Winter is a great time to bring your bike in for service!
The shop isn't too busy so you'll get service quickly and with our undivided attention. Our service queue isn't too long, so you'll get your bike back quickly. And of course, when those first beautiful days of spring roll around, your bike will be ready to ride, so you don't have to waste them waiting in a long line at the bike shop!
Keeping (or getting) your bike rolling is our top priority. Whether that means fixing the bike that you have or putting one together for your specific needs, we’re here to help. Our fully-equipped service center covers all the bases, from flat-tire fixes to tune-ups, retro refurbishments, quick adjustments, full overhauls, custom builds, and even the occasional bicycle resurrection.
We build custom wheels, provide guidance on frame-up builds, do bike conversions, and specialize in boosting the functionality, durability, and versatility of your bike.
Full service menu coming soon — please call (802) 863-4475 with any questions or inquires.
What should I expect when I bring my bike in for service?
We’ll ask you to stick around while we closely inspect your bike to find out what (if anything) needs to be fixed. Once your mechanic has a good idea of what your bike needs, they will make a recommendation of one or multiple services. This can take around 10 minutes (or more for bikes that need a lot). We ask that you please be patient and stay at the shop while we check over your bike, as it will allow us to give you better, faster service in the end.
Our line can get loooooooong. On busy days, our line for service can go out the door, and you may have to wait half an hour to be seen. If you can, avoid the after-work rush, Saturdays, and Tuesday mornings. As much as we want to get to you as quickly as possible, we give each and every customer the time and attention they deserve.
Can I drop my bike off for you to look at? Will you call me with a quote?
We do not accept bikes for estimates or check-in on a drop-off basis. We can provide much better service and communication in a timelier manner if we have your agreement on a set of services and a quote before you leave. We get super busy in the summer and often don’t have time for phone tag!
How long will it take for my bike to get fixed?
Some small repairs can be done same-day, but during our busiest time of the year (late April to August) our service queue can stretch to a one-month turnaround. For the most current information, call the shop at (802) 863-4475.
Is there any way for me to save time or hold onto my bike between now and my service?
Yes! Make an appointment! You can make an appointment by calling ahead, or by bringing your bike in for an estimate. We can hold the next available space for you, and you can keep your bike in the meantime. Just make sure you get your bike back to us the day before your appointment!
Note: appointments require a $10 deposit.
Can you tell me over the phone how much my repair will cost?
Without seeing your bike in person, we cannot give you an accurate estimate. We have to be able to look at, listen to, and touch your bike in order to fully understand any problems it might have and know how we will fix them.
Your quote for service is more than I can afford. Is there anything else you can do?
Tell your mechanic what your budget is, and we will try to keep your service ticket within it. Your mechanic can identify the most necessary repairs to keep your bike safe and functional. Safety can be a serious concern — a mechanic may strongly recommend that you get certain things fixed.
We offer the Everybody Bikes program to folks for whom affording and accessing bikes and service is difficult. Participation in Everybody Bikes grants you discounts on parts and service that may make your repair more affordable.
Note: Due to liability, we reserve the right to refuse service on bikes that we deem to be unsafe. We would love to help you get on a safe bike in your budget.
Is cost a barrier for you?
You might qualify for our Everybody Bikes program.